Unveiling Hidden Fraud in Manufacturing Companies: The Power of Unusual Data Sources

Fraud in the manufacturing sector is a serious risk that can have far-reaching consequences for any business. While traditional methods of fraud detection are important, they often miss the more subtle and concealed activities that can cause significant harm.

In our latest video, Duja Consulting delves into the power of unconventional data sources to reveal hidden fraud that might otherwise go undetected. From social media analytics to wearable device data, these innovative approaches are proving to be game-changers in safeguarding companies against unseen threats.

If you’re in the manufacturing industry, this video is a must-watch. Learn how to protect your business with cutting-edge strategies that go beyond the usual.

For those looking to take their risk management to the next level, we invite you to connect with Duja Consulting. Let’s collaborate to ensure your company remains secure and resilient in the face of evolving challenges.

Fraud in the manufacturing sector poses a significant risk, threatening a company’s financial stability and reputation. While traditional fraud detection methods have been effective to some extent, they often miss the more subtle and concealed activities that fraudsters employ. To combat this, leading risk management consulting firms increasingly use unconventional data sources. These innovative approaches are instrumental in uncovering fraudulent activities that would otherwise go undetected. Here’s how tapping into unusual data sources can help reveal hidden fraud within the manufacturing industry.

1. Social Media Analytics

Social media platforms, often overlooked in manufacturing, can provide valuable insights. By analysing employee posts, customer reviews, and company mentions, patterns may emerge that suggest internal fraud or collusion.

2. Supply Chain GPS Data

GPS data from logistics and supply chain operations can highlight discrepancies in delivery routes and timings. Unusual patterns in this data may point to unauthorised detours or delays, indicating potential fraud.

3. Energy Consumption Records

Monitoring energy usage at manufacturing facilities can expose irregularities. Sudden, unexplained spikes or drops in energy consumption might suggest unauthorised activities or equipment tampering.

4. Voice and Speech Analysis

Advanced voice and speech analysis tools can be applied during customer service calls or internal meetings to detect signs of stress or hesitation, which could indicate dishonest responses or attempts to conceal information.

5. Wearable Device Data

Wearable devices like smartwatches offer insights into employee movements within a facility. Unexpected patterns, such as frequent visits to restricted areas, could indicate illicit activities.

6. Dark Web Monitoring

The dark web is often a marketplace for stolen data and illicit goods. Regularly monitoring these platforms can reveal whether sensitive company information is being traded, indicating internal breaches or collusion.

7. Email Metadata Analysis

Beyond the content of emails, analysing metadata—such as timestamps, recipient lists, and email chains—can reveal unusual communication patterns, like frequent late-night emails between certain employees, that might require further investigation.

8. Unstructured Data from Maintenance Logs

Maintenance logs may seem mundane, but they can reveal fraudulent activities. For instance, repeated and unexplained equipment failures could indicate intentional damage linked to fraudulent insurance claims.

9. Customer Behavioural Analytics

Examining customers’ purchasing and complaint patterns can uncover inconsistencies. A sudden spike in complaints about product defects might signal internal sabotage.

10. Internal Messaging Platforms

Analysing chat logs from internal messaging platforms like Slack or Teams can reveal suspicious interactions. Anomalies such as frequent message deletions or the use of code words could be red flags.


As fraudsters become increasingly sophisticated, they must employ equally sophisticated methods to detect their activities. Unusual data sources offer a new layer of protection for manufacturing companies, helping to uncover hidden fraud and safeguard the business.

For more insights and to protect your business, connect with Duja Consulting today.

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