Ten Benefits of Video-Based Onboarding Stay Interviews

This article delves into the ten compelling benefits of harnessing the potential of video in the context of onboarding stay interviews. From enhanced engagement and personal connections to geographical flexibility and comprehensive data, video interviews offer a multifaceted approach to understanding and improving the employee experience.


Businesses and organisations continually seek innovative ways to engage, develop, and retain their employees, who are, without a doubt, their most valuable asset. Among the myriad strategies and tools at their disposal, video-based onboarding stay interviews have emerged as a powerful and versatile method to connect with employees, gain deeper insights into their experiences, and bolster retention rates.

The traditional onboarding and employee feedback approach often relied on written surveys and occasional face-to-face meetings. While these methods offered some insights, they lacked the personal touch and real-time interaction necessary to build solid employee-employer relationships. Enter video-based stay interviews, a dynamic solution that transcends geographical boundaries, fosters genuine connections, and provides a holistic understanding of employee sentiments.

Furthermore, we will explore how video-based stay interviews empower organisations to address issues promptly, identify retention factors, and support employee development. The long-term impact of adopting this modern approach is undeniable, as it contributes to a positive work environment, increased employee loyalty, and the sustained success of businesses in an ever-competitive landscape. Join us on this journey as we uncover the transformative power of video-based onboarding stay interviews in shaping the future of talent management.

1. Enhanced Engagement

One of the primary benefits of video-based onboarding stay interviews is the remarkable enhancement in employee engagement. Traditional surveys and written feedback forms often fail to capture the full depth of an employee’s sentiments. These methods can feel impersonal and detached, resulting in minimal participation and superficial responses.

Video interviews, on the other hand, introduce a dynamic and engaging dimension to the feedback process. When employees can see and interact with their interviewers face-to-face, it fosters a sense of connection and commitment. This personal touch encourages employees to be more forthcoming, open, and candid in their responses.

Through video, interviewers can establish a genuine rapport with employees, making them feel valued and heard. This sense of being actively listened to and understood motivates employees to provide in-depth insights into their experiences, concerns, and suggestions. As a result, organisations gain a deeper understanding of the factors influencing employee satisfaction and retention.

Video-based stay interviews transform feedback into a meaningful conversation where employees feel that their opinions matter. This heightened engagement enhances the quality of feedback and strengthens the employee-employer relationship, laying the foundation for improved retention and organisational success.

2. Personal Connection

Video-based onboarding stay interviews offer a unique advantage in cultivating a personal connection between employees and their organisations. This personal touch is more critical than ever in increasingly remote and virtual work environments. Through video, organisations can bridge the physical gaps often separating employees from their employers.

When employees participate in video interviews, they can see and interact with their interviewers face-to-face, even in different parts of the world. This visual and verbal connection helps build trust, empathy, and a sense of camaraderie that can be challenging to establish through written communication alone.

This personal connection encourages employees to be more open and honest about their experiences, concerns, and aspirations. They feel their voices are valued, respected, and not lost in the corporate hierarchy. As a result, employees are more likely to share their thoughts and feedback openly, which provides organisations with valuable insights for improvement.

Moreover, the personal connection established through video interviews can profoundly impact employee morale and job satisfaction. When employees feel seen and heard, they are more likely to develop a strong sense of loyalty and commitment to their organisation, ultimately contributing to increased retention rates and overall success.

3. Geographical Flexibility

In an increasingly globalised and remote-friendly work landscape, geographical flexibility is a crucial advantage of video-based onboarding stay interviews. Traditional methods often require interviewers and employees to be physically present in the exact location, which can be impractical, time-consuming, and costly, especially for organisations with multiple offices or remote teams.

Video interviews break down these geographical barriers, allowing organisations to conduct stay interviews regardless of where employees are located. Whether across different time zones or even on different continents, video technology makes it possible to connect and engage with employees seamlessly.

This flexibility ensures every employee can participate in stay interviews and simplifies scheduling and logistics. Coordinating travel or dedicating substantial time to in-person interviews is no longer necessary. Video-based interviews can be arranged quickly, making conducting interviews regularly and including a broader pool of employees more feasible.

Furthermore, eliminating geographical constraints promotes a more inclusive and equitable approach to employee feedback. Employees can share their perspectives and contribute to the organisation’s improvement initiatives regardless of location. Geographical flexibility, facilitated by video technology, is a powerful tool for enhancing the employee experience and strengthening retention efforts.

4. Time and Cost Efficiency

Video-based onboarding stay interviews offer significant advantages in terms of time and cost efficiency. Traditional in-person interviews can be resource-intensive, requiring travel arrangements, meeting room bookings, and substantial time commitments from interviewers and employees.

Video interviews eliminate these logistical challenges. There is no need for travel, reducing associated costs and time constraints. Interviewers can conduct interviews from their locations, and employees can participate without leaving their workstations. This convenience translates into substantial savings in terms of both time and money.

Scheduling also becomes more straightforward with video interviews. Coordinating interviews across different locations and time zones becomes more manageable, as participants can join from wherever they are. This streamlined process allows organisations to conduct stay interviews more frequently, ensuring that feedback is gathered regularly and remains up to date.

Additionally, the efficiency of video interviews extends to data collection and analysis. Digital recording and storage make it easy to review and share feedback with relevant stakeholders, accelerating the implementation of improvement initiatives.

In summary, video-based onboarding stay interviews reduce the costs and time associated with traditional in-person interviews and offer a more convenient and agile approach to gathering valuable feedback, contributing to more effective talent management and retention strategies.

5. Real-time Insights

One of the standout benefits of video-based onboarding stay interviews is the ability to obtain real-time insights into the employee experience. Traditional methods, such as written surveys or periodic in-person meetings, often delay data collection and analysis. This delay can hinder an organisation’s ability to address emerging issues promptly.

With video interviews, feedback is collected and processed in real-time. Interviewers can immediately grasp employees’ sentiments, concerns, and suggestions as the conversation unfolds. This immediacy enables organisations to identify and respond to challenges, preventing potential issues from escalating into more significant problems.

Real-time insights empower organisations to be agile in their response to employee feedback. When concerns are addressed promptly, employees feel valued and heard, boosting morale and job satisfaction. This agile feedback approach fosters a more positive work environment and demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement, enhancing retention rates and the overall employee experience.

6. Non-verbal Cues

Video-based onboarding stay interviews offer a unique advantage in capturing non-verbal cues, often integral to understanding the full context of an employee’s feedback. While written surveys and traditional questionnaires focus solely on text-based responses, video interviews provide a more holistic view of communication.

Non-verbal cues encompass a wide range of expressions, including body language, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice. These cues can convey emotions, hesitation, enthusiasm, or discomfort, adding layers of meaning to an employee’s words. For instance, a hesitant tone or a furrowed brow may indicate uncertainty or concern that might not be evident in written responses.

By analysing these non-verbal cues, interviewers can better understand the emotional aspects of an employee’s feedback. They can discern whether an employee is genuinely enthusiastic about their work, struggling with a particular issue, or even holding back due to discomfort or fear.

This added dimension allows organisations to tailor their responses more effectively. If an employee’s non-verbal cues suggest frustration, interviewers can probe further to understand the root causes and take immediate steps to address them. In summary, non-verbal cues in video interviews enrich the feedback process, helping organisations identify and address employee concerns more comprehensively and empathetically.

7. Comprehensive Data

Video-based onboarding stay interviews offer a wealth of comprehensive data that surpasses the limitations of traditional feedback collection methods. Traditional surveys and written responses often provide a superficial glimpse into the employee experience, leaving many nuances and insights unexplored.

In contrast, video interviews allow employees to provide detailed and context-rich responses. They can elaborate on their thoughts, share personal anecdotes, and offer specific examples of their organisational experiences. This depth of information provides organisations with a nuanced understanding of their workforce’s challenges, successes, and aspirations.

Moreover, because video interviews capture verbal and non-verbal cues, interviewers can interpret the emotional undertones and nuances of the responses. This holistic approach to data collection allows for a more accurate and well-rounded analysis of the employee experience.

Organisations can identify patterns, trends, and recurring issues more effectively with comprehensive data. This empowers them to make data-driven decisions, develop targeted retention strategies, and prioritise initiatives that align with the most pressing concerns of their employees. Video-based stay interviews provide a robust foundation for organisational improvement based on comprehensive and actionable data.

8. Retention Insights

Video-based onboarding stay interviews provide invaluable retention insights by shedding light on the factors influencing an employee’s decision to remain with an organisation. While understanding why employees leave is crucial, comprehending why they stay is equally vital for crafting effective retention strategies.

Through video interviews, employees can openly discuss the aspects of their work and company culture that keep them engaged and committed. These insights include positive relationships with colleagues, opportunities for growth and development, alignment with the company’s mission, or job satisfaction. Identifying these retention factors allows organisations to reinforce what is working and make targeted improvements in areas that matter most to their workforce.

Moreover, video interviews enable interviewers to delve deeper into an employee’s long-term career aspirations and goals. This understanding empowers organisations to align individual career paths with organisational objectives, creating a win-win situation that fosters loyalty and commitment.

Video-based stay interviews help organisations create a retention-focused culture by uncovering and reinforcing the elements that keep employees motivated and fulfilled. Armed with these retention insights, organisations can develop strategies that retain top talent and position them for long-term success within the company.

9. Employee Development

Video-based onboarding stay interviews offer a unique opportunity for employee development in real time. Unlike traditional feedback methods that often result in static reports or surveys, video interviews enable immediate coaching and mentoring during the conversation.

During video interviews, interviewers can provide employees with actionable feedback, guidance, and support based on their responses. This personalised approach empowers employees to address any concerns or challenges they are facing promptly. Interviewers can offer advice on career progression, suggest relevant training or development opportunities, and provide insights to help employees thrive within the organisation.

Furthermore, the interactive nature of video interviews allows for a two-way exchange of ideas. Employees can share their aspirations and seek guidance on achieving their career goals. This fosters a sense of ownership and investment in their development, which can be a powerful motivator.

By incorporating employee development into stay interviews, organisations demonstrate their commitment to nurturing talent and helping employees reach their full potential. This, in turn, enhances job satisfaction and retention and contributes to a more skilled and motivated workforce, benefiting individual employees and the organisation.

10. Long-term Impact

Video-based onboarding stay interviews can create a lasting and transformative impact on organisations. By actively engaging with employees, addressing concerns, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, these interviews contribute to several long-term benefits.

First and foremost, the insights gained from video interviews can lead to more strategic decision-making. Organisations can align their initiatives with the needs and aspirations of their workforce, enhancing employee satisfaction and retention over the long haul.

Moreover, the sense of being heard and valued through video interviews fosters employee loyalty. Employees who feel feedback matters will likely remain committed to the organisation, reducing turnover rates and recruitment and training costs.

Additionally, video-based stay interviews contribute to a positive workplace culture. When employees see that their concerns are addressed, they advocate for the organisation, attracting top talent and contributing to its reputation.

In conclusion, the long-term impact of video-based stay interviews extends beyond retention. It encompasses strategic alignment, improved workplace culture, reduced turnover costs, and enhanced organisational reputation, paving the way for sustained success in today’s competitive job market.

Case Study: Microsoft Corporation


Microsoft Corporation, one of the world’s leading technology companies, employs a vast and diverse workforce spanning multiple continents and time zones. While Microsoft had a robust feedback system, they recognised the need to enhance their understanding of the employee experience and retention factors further.


In response to this challenge, Microsoft introduced video-based onboarding stay interviews as a part of their talent management strategy. They partnered with a specialised video interview platform to facilitate these interviews, allowing employees from various global locations to participate.

Results and Benefits

The adoption of video-based stay interviews brought forth several notable benefits for Microsoft:

  1. Enhanced Engagement:
    Employees across Microsoft were more actively engaged in the video interviews, sharing their concerns, positive experiences, and suggestions for improvement.
  2. Personal Connection:
    Video interviews bridged geographical gaps, creating a personal connection between employees and HR teams. This connection fostered trust and open communication.
  3. Real-time Insights:
    Microsoft gained access to real-time feedback, enabling them to address issues promptly and make agile adjustments to their retention strategies.
  4. Retention Insights:
    Through video interviews, Microsoft discovered that employees highly valued opportunities for continuous learning and development. This insight prompted the company to invest further in training and career advancement programs.
  5. Employee Development:
    The interactive nature of video interviews allowed for immediate coaching and mentoring. Employees received personalised feedback, improving their performance and job satisfaction.
  6. Long-term Impact:
    Over time, Microsoft observed a significant reduction in turnover rates, higher employee morale, and improved workplace culture. They also became more attractive to top talent, solidifying their reputation as a global technology leader.

Implementing video-based onboarding stay interviews had a profound and lasting impact on Microsoft’s talent management strategy. By actively listening to their employees through video interviews, Microsoft retained top talent and positioned itself as an employer of choice in the competitive tech industry. This case study showcases the tangible benefits of adopting video interviews as part of a comprehensive talent management approach at a renowned global company like Microsoft.


In the ever-evolving talent management landscape, video-based onboarding stay interviews are a potent tool for organisations committed to fostering employee engagement, enhancing retention rates, and driving long-term success. As we conclude our exploration of the ten benefits these interviews offer, it becomes evident that their transformative potential goes far beyond the immediate feedback they collect.

These interviews enhance engagement, allowing employees to participate and contribute their thoughts and concerns actively. They foster a personal connection between employees and organisations, even in geographically dispersed work environments, building trust and rapport. Moreover, video interviews offer geographical flexibility, saving time and resources by eliminating the need for travel and simplifying scheduling.

Real-time insights from these interviews empower organisations to address issues, ensuring employee concerns are noticed promptly. Non-verbal cues capture the emotional nuances of feedback, making it richer and more insightful. The comprehensive data collected informs targeted improvements and bolsters decision-making.

Most crucially, video-based stay interviews reveal the factors that drive employee retention. Organisations can reinforce those elements by understanding why employees stay and creating a workplace culture that values and nurtures talent.

Through video interviews, employee development becomes an ongoing dialogue, enhancing skillsets and career progression. The long-term impact of these interviews extends to strategic alignment, a positive workplace culture, reduced turnover costs, and an improved organisational reputation.

In a world where retaining top talent is essential for sustained success, video-based onboarding stay interviews empower organisations to create a work environment where employees feel valued, heard, and supported. By embracing this innovative approach, organisations can build a foundation for long-term prosperity in an ever-competitive job market.

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