In-Person Screening Interviews vs. Avatar-Based Technology

In recent years, the landscape of job interviews has evolved with the advent of technology. Traditional in-person interviews are now being complemented, and sometimes replaced, by innovative methods such as avatar-based screening interviews. Below, we will explore the pros and cons of both approaches to help you understand their benefits and limitations.

In-Person Screening Interviews:


  1. Personal Connection: In-person interviews provide a more personalised and human touch. Interviewers can assess non-verbal cues such as body language and facial expressions, enabling them to form a deeper understanding of the candidate.
  2. Real-time Adaptation: Interviewers can adjust their questions and the interview structure based on the candidate’s responses, allowing for a dynamic and tailored conversation.
  3. Immediate Clarification: Candidates can ask questions in real time, seek clarifications, and engage in meaningful discussions, fostering better mutual understanding.
  4. Authenticity: In-person interviews tend to be perceived as more authentic, as both parties are physically present and actively participating.


  1. Logistical Challenges: In-person interviews require scheduling coordination, travel arrangements, and appropriate space, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  2. Geographical Constraints: For remote job positions or candidates from different regions, in-person interviews might not be feasible due to distance and travel restrictions.
  3. Bias: In-person interviews are susceptible to unconscious biases based on appearances, potentially leading to unfair candidate evaluations.

Avatar-Based Screening Interview Technology:


  1. Standardisation: Avatar-based interviews ensure a consistent and standardised experience for all candidates, minimising the impact of interviewer biases.
  2. Objective Assessment: The technology can analyse speech patterns, word choices, and facial expressions in an objective manner, potentially leading to more accurate assessments.
  3. Scalability: Avatar-based interviews can be conducted at any time, making them highly scalable and efficient, especially when dealing with a large volume of candidates.
  4. Accessibility: Candidates from various locations can participate without the need for travel, democratising the interview process.


  1. Lack of Personal Connection: Avatar-based interviews lack the personal touch of in-person interactions, potentially leading to a less genuine and connected experience.
  2. Limited Contextual Understanding: The technology might struggle to understand nuances, sarcasm, or contextual cues that a human interviewer would easily grasp.
  3. Technological Glitches: Technical issues can arise during avatar-based interviews, impacting the candidate’s experience and potentially leading to unfair evaluations.
  4. Ethical Concerns: There might be concerns regarding the ethical use of data collected during these interviews, especially when it comes to privacy and data security.


In conclusion, both in-person screening interviews and avatar-based screening interview technology offer their own set of advantages and drawbacks. The choice between the two depends on factors such as the job role, the organisation’s goals, and the resources available. A hybrid approach, combining elements of both methods, could potentially provide a balanced and effective way to evaluate candidates while leveraging the benefits of technology.

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